To be BOLD in Life

Today was a usual routine of me waking up not too early since it's weekend and didn't rush anything but some design works to do. Had nice lunch, took a bath, watched some movies though I skipped going to gym today (pardon me), it was all quite a lazy Saturday for me. 

Yes, usual lazy Saturday. What was not usual is that today I had a lot of thoughts regarding life and what it has impacted myself and my achievements lately. I was trying to avoid the thoughts but then again I was thinking "Hey, I don't need to avoid that, it's part of the things that have been delayed for quite a long time. Now it's time to review". 

Yes, first word came into my mind was "Review", and I asked myself : "What to review?" 

After that question, came second word :"Bold". And that's it. It was all silent and I stopped thinking.

I can describe myself a person who always thinks about future. Since I'm a perfectionist myself and God gives us choices in life, I decide to put the right amount of my mind into being bold and bolder in life.  

Is it wrong to be bold? I don't think so. but to what things I will be bold into? so many. 
I cannot say that I'm a step ahead to think about crisis or some people call it "midlife" crisis, I'm not even in midlife (yayy), but what I'm trying to say is that there are some things in life that I will put efforts to pursue and I will be BOLD on that.

Until when will I be BOLD? dunno.

Is it the right time to start? YES.

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