H&M featuring Alexander Wang

Some of you guys might have heard about the encouraging issue regarding the future collection as the result of H&M and Alexander Wang collaboration. Yes, in April this year, it' was H&M who had appointed Alexander Wang as the next designer the "Giant fashion retailer" wanted to collaborate with.

“I am honoured to be a part of H&M’s designer collaborations. The work with their team is an exciting, fun process. They are very open to pushing boundaries and to setting a platform for creativity. This will be a great way for a wider audience to experience elements of the Alexander Wang brand and lifestyle", says Wang.

In the other side, Margareta van den Bosch, H&M’s Creative Advisor comments: “Alexander Wang is one of the most important voices in fashion today. He understands exactly what people want to wear and does it with an energy and passion that’s infectious. It feels incredible to be collaborating with him this year.”

Well, seems like the featuring will create a huge crowd in the H&M stores all over the world on November 6th.

Below are some exclusive preview of the great collection so far.

Let me also give you a pic of bit reminder when H&M exclusively opened their store in Jakarta, Indonesia last year. 

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